Should you have a hackweek?

Should the company really go on pause to play around?

Simple Rust Patterns

Me playing with Strategy and Factory in Rust

A Staff-shaped Hole

Almost nobody has an effective Staff+ program

On Hiring Staff Engineers

Pitching & Hiring at the higher levels of engineering

Extreme Debugging

Debugging without source or symbols, alternatively, "Where there's a will there's a way"

You Too Can Build A Kernel/Hypervisor Part 1 — Preliminaries

I built the skeleton of an arm64 kernel on qemu to (at least attempt) demystify it.

My Hugo SciFi Reader (1953–1963)

My reviews + recommendations of the first decade of Hugo Aware Winning books!

Certificates: A Primer

A handy explanation for the fields in a digital certificate.

I Have A Binary, But Where Is Main?

Exploring the innards of an ELF binary to find the physical location of main.

Manually linking Rust binaries to support out-of-tree LLVM passes

Sometimes you want to support some crazy LLVM features in Rust and need manual control over the linking process :-).

Translation Workbench

I built a tool to help make translating Japanese easier.

Shippable Datacenter Part 2: Security Discussion and a Survey of Secure Boot Options

An exploration of security options in a embedded-like environment.

Network Managed Raspberry Pis for a Shippable Datacenter

In a former life I spent a lot of time thinking about how to turn an empty room with chillers, some dark fiber, and a pallet of blank servers into a functioning production datacenter.

Toward a better technical interview

Technical interviewing doesn't have to be so broken.